Table of contents |
Table of Contents ii
Abbreviations v
Preface vi
Illustrations vii
- List of Tables vii
- List of Charts vii
- List of Maps ix
Executive Summary
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Background Information 1
1.2.1 Census Objectives 2
1.2.2 Census Coverage 2
1.2.3 Census Scope 2
1.3 Census Methodology 3
1.3.1 Census Organisation 3
1.3.2 Tabulation Plan Preparation 4
1.3.3 Sample Design 4
1.3.4 Questionnaire Design and Other Census Instruments 4
1.3.5 Field Pre-testing of the Census Instruments 5
1.3.6 Training of Trainers, Supervisors and Enumerators 5
1.3.7 Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Campaign 5
1.3.8 Data Collection 5
1.3.9 Field Supervision and Consistency Checks 6
1.3.10 Data Processing 6
- Data Entry 6
- Data Structure Formatting 7
- Batch Validation 7
- Tabulations 7
- Analysis and Report Preparation 7
- Data Quality 7
1.4 Funding Arrangements 7
2.1 Type of Agriculture Household 8
2.2 Land Use 12
2.2.1 Area of Land Utilised 12
2.2.2 Land Sufficiency 13
2.2.3 Type of Land Use 13
2.3 Annual Crop Production 15
2.3.1 Area Planted 15
2.3.2 Analysis of the Most Important Crops 19
- Crop Importance 19
- Crop Area Planted per Household 20
2.3.3 Crop Types 20
2.3.4 Cereal Crop Production 20
- Maize 22
- Paddy 25
- Sorghum 26
- Other Cereals 30
2.3.5 Root and Tuber Crop Production 30
- Cassava 31
2.3.6 Pulse Crop Production 32
- Beans 35
2.3.7 Oilseed Production 39
- Groundnuts 40
2.3.8 Fruit and Vegetable Production 42
- Tomatoes 43
- Cabbage 43
- Onions 47
2.3.9 Other Annual Crop/Cash Crop Production 47
- Cotton 50
- Tobacco 50
2.4 Perennial/Permanent Crops 50
2.4.1 Cashew nuts 55
2.4.2 Bananas 56
2.4.3 Coffee 56
2.4.4 Mango 60
2.4.5 Pigeon Pea 60
2.4.6 Coconuts 66
2.4.7 Oranges 66
2.4.8 Sugar Cane 66
2.4.9 Oil Palm 70
2.5 Irrigation 70
2.5.1 Area Planted with Annual Crops under Irrigation 70
2.5.2 Area Planted with Permanent Crops under Irrigation 76
2.5.3 Source of Water Used for Irrigation 76
2.5.4 Methods for Obtaining Water for Irrigation 77
2.5.5 Method of Water Application 79
2.6 Husbandry Practices/Input Use 79
2.6.1 Land Clearing 79
2.6.2 Method of Soil Preparation 80
2.6.3 Improved Seed Use 80
2.6.4 Fertiliser Use 82
- Farm Yard Manure 83
- Inorganic Fertiliser 84
- Compost 84
2.6.5 Pesticide Use 87
- Insecticides 87
- Fungicides 89
- Herbicides 89
- Pesticide Use on Permanent Crops 90
2.7 Crop Storage 90
2.7.1 Storage Period 92
2.7.2 Method of Storage 92
2.7.3 Purpose of Storage 92
2.7.4 Storage Loss 94
2.8 Crop Marketing 94
2.8.1 Main Marketing Problems 94
2.8.2 Main Reasons for Not Marketing 94
2.9 Agro-processing 95
2.9.1 Main Agro-processing Products 95
2.9.2 Crop Processing Methods 96
2.9.3 Main Use of Processed Products 96
2.9.4 Outlets for the Sale of Processed Products 97
2.10 Crop Extension Services 97
2.10.1 Access to Crop Extension 97
2.10.2 Source of Crop Extension 99
2.10.3 Quality of Extension 99
2.10.4 Extension Adoption Rate 99
2.11 Crop Implements 99
2.11.1 Access to Implements 99
2.11.2 Ownership of Implements 101
2.11.3 Source of Finance for Purchasing Implements 101
2.11.4 Use of Implements
2.12 Use of Inputs 103
2.12.1 Source of Inputs 103
- Farm Yard Manure 103
- Compost 104
- Inorganic Fertiliser 104
- Improved Seeds 105
- Insecticides and Fungicides 105
- Herbicides 106
2.13 Tree Planting 106
2.14 Erosion Control and Water Harvesting Facilities 107
3.1 Current Status of Agriculture in Tanzania 109
3.2 Important Issues 110
3.2.1 Reduction in Productivity and Fertiliser Use 111
3.2.2 Access to Fertilisers and Chemical Inputs 111
3.2.3 Access to Land 112
3.2.4 Increase in the Number of Smallholder Households and Land Consolidation 112
3.2.5 Irrigation and Lack of Growth since the Last Census 113
3.2.6 Organic Farming 113
3.2.7 Tree Farming as a substitute to Food Crop Production 113
3.2.8 Support of Large Scale Farms to Smallholder Agriculture 113
3.2.9 Distribution of Support Services 114
3.2.10 Reinstating Frequent Surveys , Previously Carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture 114
3.2.11 Transformation of the Extension Services from a Package Delivery System to and
Advisory Service 114
3.3 Regional Profiles 115
3.3.1 Shinyanga 115
3.3.2 Dodoma 116
3,3,3 Mwanza 116
3,3,4 Tabora 117
3.3.5 Mbeya 118
3.3.6 Ruvuma 119
3.3.7 Iringa 119
3.3.8 Kagera 120
3.3.9 Tanga 121
3.3.10 Mtwara 122
3.3.11 Morogoro 122
3.3.12 Rukwa 123
3.3.13 Singida 124
3.3.14 Mara 125
3.3.15 Manyara 125
3.3.16 Lindi 126
3.3.17 Kigoma 127
3.3.18 Pwani 127
3.3.19 Kilimanjaro 128
3.3.20 Arusha 129
3.3.21 Dar es Salaam 130 |