Population Census 1988
Name | Country code |
Tanzania | TZA |
Population and Housing Census [hh/popcen]
Census/enumeration data [cen]
V1.0: Anonymous dataset for public distribution.
Households, Individuals
National coverage
Name |
National Bureau of Statistics |
Name | Role |
The Government of Tanzania | Personnel,Salaries for permanent staff, Equipments |
Swedish International Development Agency | |
United Nationals Population Fund | Monetary and Technical |
Overseas Development Administration | |
United States Agency for International Development | |
United Nations Children Children's Fund |
Name | Role |
Ndugu Mwinyiwesa Idarus | Census Publicity and mobilization of the masses |
The late Lucy S Lameck | Census Publicity and mobilization of the masses |
A short questionnaire for all dwellings and a long questionnaire for a sample of the population. There was a separate "collective questionnaire" for group living arrangements.
Start | End |
1988-08 | 1988-08 |
Name | Affiliation |
Bureau of Statistics | President's Office, Planning Commission, Dar es Salaam |
Direct enumeration.
Interviewing was conducted by teams of interviewers. Each interviewing team comprised of 3-4 female interviewers, a field editor and a supervisor, and a driver. Each team used a 4 wheel drive vehicle to travel from cluster to cluster (and where necessary within cluster).
The role of the supervisor was to coordinator field data collection activities, including management of the field teams, supplies and equipment, finances, maps and listings, coordinate with local authorities concerning the survey plan and make arrangements for accommodation and travel. Additionally, the field supervisor assigned the work to the interviewers, spot checked work, maintained field control documents, and sent completed questionnaires and progress reports to the central office.
The field editor was responsible for reviewing each questionnaire at the end of the day, checking for missed questions, skip errors, fields incorrectly completed, and checking for inconsistencies in the data. The field editor also observed interviews and conducted review sessions with interviewers.
Responsibilities of the supervisors and field editors are described in the Instructions for Supervisors and Field Editors, together with the different field controls that were in place to control the quality of the fieldwork.
Field visits were also made by a team of central staff on a periodic basis during fieldwork. The senior staff of GenCenStat also made 3 visits to field teams to provide support and to review
The first Pretest was conducted in January 1987. The fundamental objectives of the exercise were to test the questionaire and to provide practical training for the E STC students who worked as enumerators. The final pretest was carried out the last week of August and first week of September, 1987, precisely one year before the census.
The inteview was conducted in kiswahili language.
There was a team of personnel for manually editing with emphasis on identification on each questionaire, District identification validity checked were done by the program written by ODA computer consultant. Data files were shipped over Microlan 2 to PWS micro computer for further checking, the check include records with invalidity district identification codes, records containing any characters other than blanks and digits, record type was neither '1'(Population records) or '2'(household records), records with duplicate identification numbers and out of sequence records.
CONsistency and CORrection software (CONCOR) was used during editing with minimum imputations.
Name | URL | |
National Bureau of Statistics | | |
Source: Tanzania, National Bureau of Statistics, The United Republic of Tanzania, Population Census 1988.
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
(c) Copyright 1988, National Bureau of Statistics
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Bureau of Satistics | ||
Acceelrated Data Program | PARIS21 | Review of the metadata |
Version 1.0.(December 2011)